
The year was 1997. The Red Hot Chili Peppers were musing on love and the motions of amusement park rides, Pathfinder landed on Mars and Leonardo DiCaprio drew Kate Winslet as per one of his French associates.  It was around this time I had heard about a thing called “Java”, a fancy new language everyone was talking about. The word on IRC was that it was based on work Sun Microsystems had originally done for embedded software on set-top boxes and other smart appliances.
So Java 9 is on its way and it's finally bringing us project Jigsaw. I say finally as this was first meant to be delivered with Java7 and then with Java8. It is now the main new feature for Java 9.

There are applications that execute such complex tasks that if they didn’t use a concurrent processing model, they would be so slow as to be unusable. This group of applications includes data analytics, real-time games and recommendation systems.

Even with modern programming languages that support concurrency, we are faced with the task of coordinating multiple threads, handling synchronisation and the constant possibility of race conditions. These make it difficult to write, test and maintain code, discouraging many developers from implementing better and faster solutions for their problems.


In this blog entry we are going to take a quick look at the Akka toolkit, its main concepts and some code examples in Java. For further information about this topic, please check the official documentation at

I just spent a couple of days at the YOW! Connected conference and had a great time, despite nursing a bit of a cold. There were a tonne of great talks at the conference covering a wide range of topics, but in this post I'm going to briefly reflect on one specific trend that interested me at the event: the way in which UI platforms are advancing to adopt modern languages, and are even influencing each other in the process. The end-result: they're all moving towards languages that are both functional and statically typed.

Full disclosure: This year I was a member of the programme committee for the conference. So in writing this post, there's a bit of a risk that I'm creating an echo chamber for myself. All I can really say in my defence is that I hadn't consciously made these connections in advance - it was only afterwards that I saw a trend!

  Shine's very own Pablo Caif will be rocking the stage at the very first YOW! Data conference in Sydney. The conference will be running over two days (22-23 Sep) and is focused big data, analytics, and machine learning. Pablo will give his presentation on Google BigQuery,...

2a_02 Not so long ago, a good old username and password were considered more than enough to secure access to our applications and favourite web sites. But back then, nobody could have imagined the countless ways in which a hacker can now get a hold of our precious login credentials. From software exploits to social engineering, security has been drawn into the spotlight like never before, and software developers must really think hard about security when building any type of software solution. In this blog post, I'll explain how you can secure your Spring applications using 2FA (Two Factor Authentication).



In recent years, Spring has become much more than just a dependancy injection container and an MVC web application framework. Nowadays, it's the go-to for building enterprise solutions due to the fact it has a fantastic community built up around it, and it has a multitude of projects that makes every developer's life that little bit easier! In this blog post, I'm going to briefly introduce Spring Data REST, and how we used it and an unknown feature called 'projections' on a recent project.
battlehack-logo WHAT A WEEKEND! I’m still recovering from the 24 hours of coding and the unhealthy amount of coffee and snacks I’ve ingested during this hackathon. Two weeks ago, Melbourne was host to the first Battlehack of 2015. “What’s a Battlehack?” I hear you ask. Well Battlehacks are competitions sponsored by Braintree (a Paypal company) where teams of developers face off over 24 hours to create the most creative hack that benefits the local or global community. The venue, which was the Plaza Ballroom on Collins St was well worth a mention. The vast ballroom was decked out with food stations, sleep and massage stations, and most importantly, our hacking stations, or tables of 4 for the long night ahead.